Monday, September 29, 2008

29th of September

We left this morning in foggy Morro Bay after a shared eggs Benedict breakfast at the harbor, where we could look at seals frolicking , tourist getting taught how to paddle, a huge rock and the power station. I let Justin drive again and I think he will do just fine without me. So tomorrow morning I will finally start riding and I am really nervous about it. I hope that I will not be too tired in the evening.

We found after cruising around in SD finally a Motel near the Airport and close to the point, at which I would like to start. The owner is an Indian Lady who lived in Florida before she settled here. Justin was impressed how I haggled the price down, but actually it was just her who did it. I just played along, some people are happier if they can negotiate, although I hate it, I can do it.

Justin was today the first time ever in hot springs. I am still smelling of sulfor and need to take a shower now and after that I have to sleep in order to be ready for tomorrow. I hope so much that it will not be hotter than today, which was already to hot for me. My photos are at (password is Meta).

Morgen geht es richtig los und ich bin froh, dass ich wieder ein wenig allein sein kann, nach zwei Tagen bin ich schon voellig ueberfordert von der Jugend,besonders dann, wenn ich gefragt werde, wo dieses San Diego denn nun eigentlich auf der Karte ist.

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