Tuesday, September 30, 2008

30th of September, San Diego to Pine Valley California

Garmin says: 83.34 km - 3793 cal - 1821m ascent

At 7:35h this morning I finally climbed on my bike and started pedaling. I was pretty afraid of this first day, which started with 50 miles of climbing in scorching heat. Like promised the weather was very hot and I was already pretty shot after 30 miles. The route is really not pretty and I would recommend to anybody who would like to cycle cross country to create an own route rather than following the adventure cycling one, which basically follows really big roads. I had absolutely no fun on HWY 8 climbing against headwinds and having cars and truck flying by. Nevertheless I reached Pine Valley and remembered that Andreas and I had been cycling around here last Thanksgiving. There are so many pretty little roads around here, that I think, I would have found a more attractive option to go east. I will have to ride more miles to make up for the short ride today. My average needs to be 75 miles (120 km) in order to arrive in time.

Als ich gerade mal 10km gefahren bin kamen von hinten 3 junge Burschen, die wirklich schnell fuhren und recht heftig schwitzten. Besonders bemerkenswert war ihre Kleidung: schwarze Polyesteranzughosen gehalten von Hosentraegern mit langaermligen Polyesterhemden drunter.
I just had three beers and would very much like to sleep now... more probably tomorrow.

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