Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 15th El Paso to Fort Hancock TX

Garmin says: 92.56 km 3039 cal 545 m ascent
I bought in the morning a little gel padded suit for my saddle and took of the meanwhile quite annoying foam construction. Passing through El Paso I made my way to the border along which the route went for the whole day. I passed just out of El Paso a strip mall where it smelled so good of grilled fish that I had to go through it in order to find the source. There it was Mariscos de Caribe. Being hundreds of miles away from any ocean I thought you shouldn’t eat seafood in El Paso, but here I got one of the best ceviches and fish soups that I ever had. For sure the cheapest!

The ride was quite boring and uneventful, except for two dog attacks which I both got only in the last moment, I find shouting firmly at the dogs helps. I should probable stop listening to my walkman as this makes me unaware from where the barking is coming. The second dog attack were two pit bulls, which were only growling hoarsely. I asked people how to buy a gun that I can leave a trail of dead dogs all over Texas.

Today this will not be an issue as I go mainly freeway, which I don’t like. And I will pass the next time zone, cool!

Our motel is the only one in Fort Hancock at the freeway exit and it has the only diner of town opposite of it. So Justin and I had dinner there. It seems to be the place were the law enforcement of the region goes to as well. There were several Border Patrol trucks outside and one had a bike rack with two really nice mountain bikes (Bush’s Country). The best about them was their lock, they were fixed to each other and the car with two pairs of handcuffs.

In the dinner was barely anyone under five tons light but two guys were like the man in monty python’s “meaning of live”, which explodes while eating. They were preparing a parade in town for their high school homecoming - I need to find out, what this means, as I have heard of it so often but still don’t know what this is. First I was thinking that they dismantled their Columbus Day parade remnants. In the diner two sheriffs with two guys in comic strip striped prison suits came in. At first I thought of a Halloween costume or so, but then I remembered having read about parts of the America who really started to have these again. This morning they are talking about the prisoner having been at the parade. It is so weird. Justin said, they were like: “Look out of towners, lets play out all stereotypes, do not show, that we are normal.
When we left, both sheriff cars took off with a pebble spraying start as well. I was wondering what could possibly happen in a small town like that which would require two sheriffs at once.

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