Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday 7th of October - Apache Junktion to Globe

Garmin says: 93.05 km 3810 cal 1783m ascent

I suffered crazily, the whole day strong headwinds and on top of that the route followed a hwy 60 which has heavy traffic awful shoulders, if any. It was pretty hot and my weird swollen and infected growth in the right saddle touching area is still infected and got worse over the day. I met Justin in Superior for Lunch. He can still not start properly in the first gear. When I came to Globe, I couldn't believe, that it was full of Motels and I had found only some pretty expensive ones online.
By now it starts to get dark by 6:30h and it was to late to look at the town, which I regret a bit. I had a long swim in the pool and got out just to see a bicycle standing in the room next to mine. the door was open so I asked him if he toured as well. But he was a Arizona transportation worker and used it on the street repair sites. The second presidential debate was running and he offered me one of his buds to listen with him. Being an Arizonian he said I am a republican. I asked him if he really thought that his party would be the party which represents worker like him the best. But he told me that Obama wants the people and especially small business owner to pay even more taxes. I asked him if he makes more than 250k ayear, but to no avail...

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